Faculty of Nursing, Suan Dusit University, Held a Nurse Capping Ceremony to Honor Teachers and Present Nursing Caps to Second-Year Students of the Bachelor of Nursing Science Program, Academic Year 2023 (17th Cohort).
The Faculty of Nursing at Suan Dusit University organized a ceremony to honor teachers and present nursing caps to second-year students of the Bachelor of Nursing Science program for the 2023 academic year (17th cohort). The event was presided over by Assistant Professor Dr. Srisuda Wongwiseskul, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, at Suan Dusit University.

The ceremony included the capping of nursing students, the anointment of textbooks, the presentation of certificates of excellence, and a speech to the students.The event featured a candlelight procession, a tribute to the students’ parents, and a group photo session. Parents, faculty members, and honored guests attended the ceremony on August 22nd, 2024, at the Raktakanit Auditorium, 2nd Floor, Suan Dusit University.